My brother works for All Heart, a large medial supply and unform company ~ he brought Ava Lu these scrubs when he came to visit a few weeks ago.

Here she is modeling them in her "doctor" outfit the first time she wore them as jammies. Of course, the fact that they have Ariel on them makes them all the better - Ava Lu just LOVES Ariel.

The crazy part about this is particular "doctor story" is that my mom was in the hospital for a week (last week) and Ava Lu now says she wants to be a doctor. This was even before she ate the hospital food delivered to my mom (stew) and said "yum." Who says that about hospital food? Maybe she is destined for a life in the medical center!
Ava Lu makes us laugh each and every day and in the meanime, she now has the right outfit for her hospital life - and really that's all that's important for her to play out her dreams at this time in her life.
Thank you, Uncle Robert, for my Ariel doctor outfit!
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