It's amazing to think that we've had Ava Lu for seven+ months now. We can't imagine life without her. Each day is an adventure and joy. She started gymnastics and is enjoying all the jumping, flipping and running.
One of my favorite times of the day is post-bath with Ava Lu - when she's all wrapped up in her towel. Those moments of snuggling, warmth and looking into her eyes as I hold her so close. It's the best comfort a mom can get.

And, Ava Lu met her first NBA celebrity. She was enthralled with Francisco Garcia at first and made eyes at him all day. . . but we waited until the end of the event to take our picture with him and she was tired, hence she didn't look at the camera and wasn't as thrilled to be in the limelight with a nearly seven-foot star. Oh well, there will be more times for NBA fun and player meetings!

We love Ava Lu more each day and truly look forward to every single minute with our Daughter of Promise.
Ava Lu, we are so blessed to be your mommy & daddy!